“Connected Fleet” Survey Results
When I joined GreenRoad more than a year ago I was struck by the profound changes impacting the fleet industry. Telematics, a twenty-year old technology, was rapidly being displaced by new, modern web-based SaaS solutions, such as GreenRoad. Fleet owners and operators were looking for and embracing mobility through their use of smartphones and iPads.
On Tuesday, we released the results of a Fleet Leaders survey that confirms these observations and further illustrates the transformation we call “Connected Fleet”. As the Fleet Leaders in our survey indicate, a majority (57%) have already tossed aside standalone PC-based software solutions for web-based software, 28 percent are actively using smartphones for fleet management related tasks and 8% are using iPads or other tablets.
And, they plan to continue this rapid adoption pattern. When asked about future deployment plans, 31% said they will opt for web-based services, 25% play to buy iPads or other tablet devices and 22% will purchase smartphones.