GreenRoad 2014 Fleet Elite UK Announced

By Matan Kemp - Head of Marketing

GreenRoad 2014 Fleet Elite UK Announced

The results are in. GreenRoad Fleet Elite in the UK ranks swelled to nearly 6,000 drivers for 2014 – a 33% increase over 2013 Fleet Elite membership. Unlike some other exclusive clubs, more members is definitely better.

To achieve Fleet Elite status, drivers must maintain a GreenRoad Safety Score of five or less while logging over 500 GreenRoad driving hours during the calendar year. Fleet drivers are awarded bronze, silver or gold Fleet Elite badges in recognition of, respectively, one, two or three consecutive years of outstanding driving behaviour.

Dougie Portwood, Head of GreenRoad Change Management is pleased but not surprised by the results. “This year, we saw heightened excitement about the Fleet Elite programme among drivers and fleet managers. Drivers are working hard to maintain their eligibility for Fleet Elite membership, year after year, in order to reach gold and silver levels.”

As drivers sport their Fleet Elite badges, more and more are putting in that extra effort to gain a spot in the prestigious group. Top honors go to Iron Mountain. With a 79% increase in their number of Fleet Elite drivers, nearly half of its qualifying van and truck drivers attained Fleet Elite membership.

Another strong performer was Bunzl, which uses the GreenRoad driver behaviour and fleet performance system in its fleet vans and company cars. Overall, 102 of its 983 drivers achieved Fleet Elite status, with a particularly strong representation from its Retail Division and Catering Division. In fact, Bunzl Cleaning and Hygiene believes so strongly in Fleet Elite that its uniform shirts include the Fleet Elite logo for their fleet drivers who qualify.

In the bus and coach segment, Stagecoach ranked highest with some 21% of its 19,000-strong driving team acheiving the prestigious benchmark. Of these, 77 drivers had perfect GreenRoad Safety Scores, indicating that they did not execute a single risky manoeuvre during all their hours behind the wheel.

Equally impressive is the strong showing by First Bus despite its exceptionally tight safety event thresholds – the most stringent in the bus industry. A special shoutout to the First Bus drivers who had perfect GreenRoad score records even with these strict thresholds.

Other fleets with a high proportion of Fleet Elite drivers are Big Bus Tours, with 52 Fleet Elite drivers, representing 14% of its total drivers, and Tower Transit, with nearly 160 Fleet Elite drivers, representing 11% of its drivers.

Last but not least are the small but mighty performers. Sixteen Swans Travel drivers – 35% of all drivers – earned Fleet Elite badges in 2014, as did 15 Hornsby Travel drivers. At Integrated Utility Services, which joined the Fleet Elite program for the first time this year, 12% of drivers earned Fleet Elite status.

Congratulations to the entire 2014 Fleet Elite team. You serve as role models not only to colleagues but other drivers on the road. Thank you for making the roads safer for all of us!
