What Fleet Leaders Are Talking About: Fleet Tracking Technology

By Matan Kemp - Head of Marketing

At GreenRoad, we like talking to our customers and other fleet leaders to find out what’s top of mind. We do it in person, at industry conferences, lunch-and-learn events and other meetings; on the phone; and even via email or our frequent online surveys.

In one of our recent surveys, we asked fleet leaders in a variety of industries how they feel about advanced fleet tracking technology. We surveyed more than 200 respondents, all of whom are responsible in some direct way for fleet vehicle technology or other major fleet purchases. Respondents represented fleets of all sizes, from fewer than 100 to more than

Among some of the findings we found particularly interesting are the following:

• Today vehicle tracking technology (GPS) is used in fleets of all sizes. Once thought only appropriate for larger fleets, many fleets with as few as 25 – 50 vehicles now have vehicle tracking technology installed.

• Most fleet leaders (56%) find “knowing where all vehicles are at all times” the most compelling benefit—and this ability also often comes with rich data pinpointing exact addresses, nearby designated landmarks such as customer locations, and even 2D or 3D map views.

• Cost and reliability top the list of things to consider when evaluating vehicle tracking systems, according to respondents, followed by customer service and reliability

Today’s fleet vehicle tracking options offer numerous benefits, features and options. At the most basic level, you can see where all your vehicles are at any time. You can set up Geo-fences and corresponding real-time alerts notifying you when fleet vehicles are in use at inappropriate times or are in unauthorized locations, or when a driver performs a high-risk maneuver. You can optimize routes for faster customer service and/or minimum fuel consumption. You have a whole host of operational reports helping you to run a more efficient and effective fleet.

Those are just the basics. There’s much more.
