Securitas Belgium uses GreenRoad to reduce accidents, minimise CO2 emissions and protect its brand
“With GreenRoad, you don’t have to choose between driver safety and telematics, because you get both in one system.”
Peter Neels, Operations Professional, Securitas Belgium
Securitas Belgium, the Brussels-based branch of the world’s largest security company, has always placed driver safety at the top of its priority list.
“As a security provider, our dedication to safety extends well beyond protecting our clients,” explained Peter Neels, Operations Professional, Securitas Belgium. “With vehicle collisions a key cause of work-related deaths, our mobile workforce is clearly at risk, and we take our responsibility to protect them very seriously.
“So when our insurance carrier told us about GreenRoad – an easy, cost-effective solution that combines driver safety and telematics – we were interested immediately. Though our first concern was reducing accidents, we knew that safer driving could also generate a ‘ripple-effect’ of benefits, reducing our carbon emissions, increasing management efficiency and decreasing our maintenance expenses, while helping us protect the company’s brand reputation.”
Securitas Belgium first deployed GreenRoad on its fleet of Peugeot 207 vehicles, and later across its entire operational fleet.
The Solution
All of Securitas Belgium’s operational cars and vans were fitted with technology that continuously monitors driver behavior, and that provides real-time feedback via a dashboard-mounted LED panel. The panel displays green when driving is smooth and safe, but changes to yellow or red when the system senses risky or fuel-wasting behaviours. This subtle guidance helps drivers achieve a controlled driving style that helps them prevent accidents before they occur while reducing fuel consumption and vehicle wear and tear.
In addition, the system rates drivers with rolling Safety Scores that enable self-assessment and promote ‘friendly’ inter-driver competition. A quick-download app makes it easy for drivers to check their safety status, personalized driving tips and alerts on their own mobile phones.
“The combination of in-cab coaching and a personal app empowers our drivers to take control of their own safety, giving us the results we want without the need for Big Brother’ intervention,” added Mr. Neels.
Securitas Belgium coordinates all fleet safety activities via GreenRoad Central™, a portal with KPI dashboards, real-time tracking tools, trend analyses, exception alerts and a full suite of customisable reports. “GreenRoad’s clear management tools make it easy for us to keep a ‘finger on the pulse’ of fleet operations, to tailor our training to the individual needs of each employee, and to take an efficient ‘management by exception’ approach to our overall fleet management activities.”
The Result
“The results that we have achieved using GreenRoad are spectacular,” continued Mr. Neels. In a single year, Securitas Belgium achieved:
- 72% increase in driver safety
- 49% reduction in accidents
- ~10% reduction in fuel and CO2 emissions
“Within four months of rolling out the system, our risk scores declined from over 80 to our current average of below 25. Our ‘red’ drivers declined from ~65% to less than 25% of our workforce, and ‘green’ drivers increased from ~10% to ~45%. Speeding events dropped quickly from nearly 45,000 to under 1,000 per month – and we have maintained that level successfully now for over 2 years.
Mr. Neels concluded, “The reduction in accidents – the protection of life and limb – would itself justify the investment. But the system has also generated a measurable ROI in terms of reduced risk, work disruption, vehicle repair costs, fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance expenses. This is helping us achieve our challenging fleet performance and emissions targets, demonstrating how our investment in technology, people and knowledge helps us provide a superior service and deliver complete peace of mind.”