syngenta greenroad

Syngenta APAC

Syngenta APAC Drives Down Risk with GreenRoad

 Using GreenRoad’s 4-wheeler safety solution, a customized 2-wheeler solution, and a centralized, data-driven approach, Syngenta was empowered to implement and maintain a preventive safety culture across its APAC region, reducing its accidents and injuries.

  • In 2022, Syngenta APAC identified a worrying rise in motor vehicle incidents within its APAC region, especially – though not only – for its contractors using motorcycles.
  • In response, Syngenta APAC’s HSE team launched a sweeping road safety initiative.
  • GreenRoad’s data-driven approach, using its 4-wheeler safety solution and a customized 2-wheeler application, was implemented systematically, dramatically improving road safety.
  • In Thailand alone, the program resulted in a 74% reduction in vehicle incidents and a 90% reduction in injuries from 2021 to 2022, with zero road injuries in 2022.


Mitigating Risk Across a Diverse Region

Syngenta APAC, one of the world’s largest agriculture companies, prioritizes the safety of its employees and contractors. But in 2022, Syngenta’s APAC region faced a concerning rise in motor vehicle incidents, particularly among motorcycle contractors traveling on treacherous rural roads. This prompted it to launch “Drive for Life,” a comprehensive road safety initiative with ambitious goals: zero injuries, improved fuel consumption, and reduced emissions.

To address these complexities, Syngenta needed a solution that could adapt to local needs while fostering a culture of safety that transcended boundaries. Additionally, the program needed to be efficiently implemented across multiple countries with varying levels of technological infrastructure.


GreenRoad Digital Driver Safety Telematics and a Tailored Approach

Syngenta recognized GreenRoad as the right solution for its diverse needs. The company had already achieved significant safety improvements using GreenRoad in Thailand since 2019 and decided to build on that initial success by rolling out the driver safety solution to its other countries.

As Chula Sulgaesuan, Syngenta APAC’s Regional Category Manager for Fleet, explained: “We have used a lot of telematic systems, but GreenRoad is the one most aligned to our objective of increasing road safety. With GreenRoad, it’s always ‘safety first.’”

GreenRoad already offered critical benefits. The real-time driver coaching quickly improved driver behavior with an immediate positive impact on overall safety. In addition, the system’s tracking of unsafe driving behaviors and identifying high-risk areas provided valuable insights, enabling Syngenta to respond with tailored safety measures and targeted interventions for specific issues. In addition, the platform provided a centralized view of fleet safety across all APAC countries, enabling regional oversight and insights that drove more effective decision-making by the HSE team.

In addition, recognizing the need to address the specific safety concerns of Syngenta’s large motorcycle-based contractor fleet, GreenRoad developed a custom digital solution for 2-wheelers: GreenRoad Drive™ App for Motorcycles. Downloaded onto their smartphones, the app provides:

  • Real-time Location Tracking, ensuring rider safety in risky areas, tracking contractor activity, and helping Syngenta optimize logistics.
  • Driver Behavior Monitoring of factors like speeding, cornering, acceleration, and braking, allowing for targeted coaching and feedback.
  • Personalized Safety Insights, offering individual safety scores, trip histories, and personalized driving tips to improve on-road behavior.


From Initiation to Driver Engagement and Evaluation

Working collaboratively with Syngenta, GreenRoad ensured a smooth transition by supporting systemic implementation across each country of both her 2-wheeler solution as well as its 4-wheeler existing one. To date, Syngenta APAC has rolled out GreenRoad’s safety platform in Thailand, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines.
The implementation process involved 4 elements. 

  1. Project Initiation:
    • Each country assembled a dedicated implementation team to complete necessary system customizations, such as language interfaces for local use.
  2. Project Rollout:
    • Syngenta and GreenRoad collaborated on a structured launch including: Installation and calibration of the GreenRoad system, followed by comprehensive driver and rider education.
    • A four-week “blind profile and testing” period to ensure that all operations functioned seamlessly before official implementation.
  3. Driver Engagement and Buy-In:
    • Syngenta shared safety reports weekly with all users and celebrated outstanding safety achievements.
    • The commercial team implemented a “safety buddy” approach, where drivers provided feedback to each other on safe driving practices.
  4. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Fine-Tuning:
    • Continuous improvement was a core principle. To achieve this, Syngenta held bi-weekly meetings to review safety trends, address any arising issues, and support the planning of future rollouts.
Syngenta Bangladesh rolls out its GreenRoad-based safety initiative

Syngenta Bangladesh rolls out its GreenRoad-based safety initiative


A Transformation in Safety Culture

The implementation of GreenRoad solutions, coupled with Syngenta’s commitment to a data-driven safety culture, has yielded impressive results.

  • Reduced Risk: Thailand, a country with a history of high-risk driving, achieved:
    • 74% reduction in vehicle incident rates
    • 90% reduction in vehicle-related injury rates from 2021 to 2022
    • Zero injury road incidents in 2022
    • Improvement in risk, with the country’s average Safety Score now well within the “green” range
  • Data-Driven Insights for Preventative Action: GreenRoad’s detailed driver behavior data allows Syngenta to tailor interventions to specific needs. For instance, after identifying speeding as a significant issue in Thailand, targeted campaigns were launched to address it.
  • Proactive Safety through Centralized Management: The system provides the regional HSE team with actionable and immediate insights, including country-by-country breakdowns of safety incidents that enable managers to focus on emerging issues and adopt a proactive approach.
  • Optimized Operations with Real-Time Tracking: GreenRoad’s real-time location tracking empowered Syngenta to optimize its operations across the region, streamlining logistics and tracking contractor activity for enhanced efficiency.


A Model for Regional Safety

Mr. Sulgaesuan explained GreenRoad’s transformative impact:GreenRoad gives us a centralized view into the safety of our entire fleet, pinpointing any unsafe drivers, no matter what type of vehicle they drive or where they’re located. It also gives managers valuable insights: by analyzing the driving data, we’re continuously improving our safety, moving closer and closer towards our goal of zero driving incidents.

The success of the Drive for Life program, powered by GreenRoad, serves as a model for multinational corporations seeking to elevate safety standards across diverse regions. The program demonstrates the effectiveness of a data-driven approach coupled with a commitment to driver education and buy-in.

By embracing innovative solutions and fostering a culture of safety, Syngenta APAC is setting an outstanding example for the agricultural industry and beyond.