Wealden PSV
GreenRoad helps Wealden PSV reduce fuel consumption by 15% while reducing insurance claims.
The savings in fuel bills alone has more than paid for the cost of the system: in effect, GreenRoad is paying for itself.
Julian Francis Bradley Brown, Managing Director
Wealden originally turned to GreenRoad as a simple and easy solution for monitoring its drivers. “We were impressed that with GreenRoad – you don’t have to choose between driver performance/safety solution and telematics solutions, because you get both in one system,” explained Mr. Julian Francis Bradley Brown, Wealden’s Managing Director.
Though Wealden chose the GreenRoad platform primarily for its driver tracking capabilities, it quickly began taking advantage of its tools for driver training, motivation and fleet management. Over a few short months, its drivers began driving more slowly and carefully, leading to a reduction in incidents, passenger complaints and insurance claims.
The Solution
We use the system to help us keep a finger on the pulse of the fleet – to identify small issues before they become major problems – and to incentivise the best driving possible. On a daily basis, we monitor GreenRoad’s back-office display to draw our attention to any incidents that might have occurred. Then once a week, we post the Driver Leader Board, a ranking of the Risk Scores of all our drivers, to encourage ‘friendly competition.’
“It really works: the drivers enjoy trying to outdo each other, to get to the top of the list. We also encourage our drivers to use the Drive for Edge app to review their past journeys and check their latest scores. It makes a huge difference: those who use the app have much better scores and are constantly improving.”
The system draws management attention to any specific driver issues. “The accuracy and specificity of the data enables us to give targeted, personalised advice and training, and makes the whole process more objective,” continued Mr. Bradley Brown. “For example, if a driver tells us that the problem is with the vehicle, we are able to share the results that other drivers achieved using the same vehicle. Then we can show them the specific changes they could make to get to a green score.”
“While we employ another tracking system built into our ticket machines, we have come to learn that the GreenRoad tracking is far superior,” continued Mr. Bradley Brown. “This has helped us by providing location information to our passengers who call, as well as enabling us to complete our DVSA route adherence obligation.”
“Another important feature is the ability to easily identify areas that are flagging up often as a hazard. Once this has been identified, we warn the drivers, make them aware of the particular issue and give them advice on how to negotiate the problem. This has become very important for us.”
The Result
As soon as the drivers’ displays were activated, Management noted a rapid decline in driver incidents. This has had a ripple effect of benefits:
Reduced fuel costs: Using GreenRoad, Wealden PSV has reduced its overall fuel consumption by about 15% per vehicle. “The savings in fuel bills alone has more than paid for the cost of the system: in effect, GreenRoad is paying for itself.”
Reduced insurance claims: Use of GreenRoad has helped Wealden PSV reduce insurance claims filed against it. “We use GreenRoad to provide evidence when it is needed by our insurers and local authorities. Our overall insurance premium has reduced since we first installed GreenRoad.”
Reduced complaints: “As the news of us having GreenRoad tracking has spread amongst our student community, we no longer get complaints that the bus did not show up, or did not stop to pick students up. We have on many occasions been able to provide evidence to parents and schools that perhaps the student in question may not be telling the truth.”
Increased support for drivers: Mr. Bradley Brown noted that the system also enables them to check accusations from other road users that its vehicles were driving too fast or dangerously, giving Management objective data for defending their drivers.