Operations Management & Telematics

Keep your fleet running safely, smoothly and efficiently with GreenRoad’s easy-to-use operations management software and technologies, including KPI dashboards backed with full drill-down to detailed driver, telematics and vehicle operational data, exception alerts and a full portfolio of finger-on -the-pulse, customizable reports and solutions.

Intuitive Dashboards

GreenRoad’s intuitive dashboards, exception reports and advanced BI technologies and telematics make it easy for managers to identify drivers that need special attention, and to monitor all aspects of fleet performance, from fuel consumption and idling hotspots to regulatory compliance, vehicle maintenance and more. Managers can keep an eye on trends and idling data, identify problematic ‘Heat Map’ trouble spots, track company vehicle locations, and investigate exceptions to understand and address root causes of crashes and increased fuel consumption.

From ‘bird’s-eye view’ indicators, managers can drill down directly into supporting telematics data about company depots or individual drivers and vehicles. Detailed reports and software solutions support deeper investigation into performance, resource utilization and other parameters, while exception reports and alerts draw management attention to developing issues.


solutions operations management tracking
Operations & Services Management

Fuel & Idling Optimization

GreenRoad solutions help customers keep fuel budgets and emissions under control by motivating safe, fuel-efficient driving practices, alerting drivers and their managers when their idling rates exceed pre-defined thresholds.

For Electric Vehicles (EVs), smoother driving styles extend charge range, reducing “charge anxiety”, and extend overall battery life.

Tracking and Operations Telematics

GreenRoad Fleet Tracking & Operations Telematics Platform helps customers take a big-picture approach towards managing and optimising their fleet performance:

  • On-time Performance Analyses and software support for customer SLAs
  • Route Replays & Location Histories for virtual review of fleet routes and location
  • Safety and idling hotspot technology for identifying problem areas and focusing your training programmes
  • Open platform technology: full integration with other applications and software through API or SDK
  • And more
All GreenRoad dashboards, displays, reports, alerts and software are fully customizable to your exact needs.
The Payoff of Good Fleet Operations Management
  • Improved fleet utilization and flexibility
  • Improved customer and passenger satisfaction
  • Improved fleet compliance and streamlined maintenance
  • Improved driver and fleet security
  • Reduced fuel and maintenance expenses
  • Reduced vehicle emissions
  • For EVs: extended charge range and battery life
Effective Tools for Driver Coaching

GreenRoad provides managers with a comprehensive solution for identifying drivers who need special attention, and for creating personalized training programs.

GreenRoad’s real-time alerts and exception reports bring clear focus to individuals with worrisome safety trends, supporting proactive training programs and intervention in time to prevent serious safety events. Detailed analyses of driving styles help managers personalize training activities.

With just a few clicks, customers can see an overview of driver safety trends and trip-by-trip performance, gaining insight into any poor patterns that have creeped into their driving habits. Then, when managers call the driver in for a review, this objective information can help them carry out fact-based communication and to create a clear training plan with full driver buy-in and partnership.
